About ME!

With over 14 years industry experience, including launching and managing a successful digital marketing agency, I have helped over 200 companies grow their business online. Every company is unique and so is my approach. To build a unique strategy that works best for your business, I collaborate with industry leaders in each field to provide a full-service agency level solution.

robert hughes

robert hughes with prince philip duke of edinburgh

Rob Meets Prince Philip

On Wednesday 10th October 2012 we were lucky enough to have the Duke of Edinburgh drop in and officially open our new office. Working closely with other local companies we were given the opportunity to talk directly with the Duke about some of the major issues facing small business in the recession. Managed by the enterprise agency WENTA, this also gave us a valuable opportunity to showcase our company to local radio stations and newspapers. Certainly one to remember!

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Part of my journey in Digital Marketing has involved teaching businesses the importance and strategy behind marketing a business online. Through the years I’ve ran daily surgeries and presented my work to 100’s of different companies.

I find great joy in teaching what I’ve learnt over the years. 

robert hughes teaching

Rob Meets Ed Miliband

The evevo team were lucky enough to welcome the current Labour leader Ed Miliband to our office in July 2014. During the visit we discussed many issues facing small businesses in 2014, from investment restraints through to our optimism for the future of the UK’s economy, along with the growing importance of Digital Marketing.

Rob Featured in National Business Magazine

We are proud to announce evevo has been featured in April’s (2013) edition of UK’s leading business magazine: ‘The Business Mag’. As an official part of this months ‘Business Mag’ team, we were given the opportunity to write a double page article giving readers advice on hot internet marketing trends in 2013. The article covers topics such as social media in business, the benefits of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and general tips and advice on how companies can market themselves effectively online – the-business-mag.com

robert hughes magazine feature

robert hughes ed balls

Rob Meets with MP Ed Balls

Working closely with local enterprise agency WENTA, evevo had the opportunity to meet with MP Ed Balls to discuss business growth in our industry and the impact of the recession on local businesses. We offer advice to many local companies with workshops and presentations on how to market their companies effectively online. We also regularly offer one-to-one meetings which help to support local business growth within the community, but also gives us the opportunity to work with a wide variety of companies and business owners.

Rob Climbs Kilimanjaro

On 30th August 2012 Managing Director Robert Hughes successfully climbed mount Kilimanjaro. Over £5,000 was raised for local charity, where all of the funds raised went to helping orphaned, poor and exploited children in the developing world. A very proud moment for the whole evevo team, but one that shows our determination and drive to succeed in every aspect of life.

robert hughes mount kilimanjaro

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